Letters between Jung and White
interdisciplinary debate on the Increatus
junguian psychology, collective unconscious, archetypes, symbol, god conceptsAbstract
The objective of this article was analyzing the book “The Jung-White Letters”, pointing out the importance of the themes considered as central in the publication: the archetype of Self, its expression in the psyche, its nature, dynamics and purpose, and the image of God for analytic psychology. The methodology applied to the study was contents analysis. Through an interdisciplinary debate, Jung and White approached themes as interdisciplinarity, science, theology; the image of God for analytic psychology; the study of Christianity as the expression of the spirit of the age or Zeitgeist; good and evil; the symbols. In the discussion about this book, it was highlighted the existence of symbolic indicators of the evolution of conscience, individual and collective, in the diverse representations of God, in the episodes of the Old and the New Testament and in the separation of the opposites in Christianity. Finally, the relevance of the psychological reading that focuses on historical and psychological aspects of religion and its topicality was reaffirmed.
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