Heartdisease and emotions: Conversations bewteen psychosomatic and analytical psychology
emotions, heart disorders, psychosomatic medicine, Junguian psychology.Abstract
A full understanding of the dynamics existing between contemporary heart diseases and the emotional conflicts and unconscious motivations of contemporary man is still a long way off. This paper intends to broaden the understanding of the meanings and purposes of these diseases in people's lives. This question is related to the symbolic manifestation of unconscious conflict through the symptom, taking into consideration that the symptom involves psychic and somatic action, that is, the emotional and the physical. Experiences or significant emotional content that are not verbalized or visibly released may eventually manifest in the body, revealing denied, repressed, and unconscious content. The heart, the essential organ of the human body, as well as the emotions projected or expressed by it, carry important symbology. It would be a mistake to treat it only as an organ, separating body and psyche, body and emotion. We consider it extremely important to look at the symptom in a different way, analyzing what it wants to express rather than simply opting for medicalization of the issue. It is crucial for fully understanding the human being in all its complexity: a biological, psychic, emotional and spiritual being.Downloads
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