Imaginal perspectives of old age
an understanding in the light of archetypal psychology
old age, imaginary, jungian psychologyAbstract
This article aimed to present an imaginal perspective of old age, providing a critical reflection on this important psychological process from the understanding of archetypal psychology, proposed by the post-Jungian James Hillman. This study had as central framework the archetype of senex, presented in its positive features, connected to wisdom, and also the negative, such as rigidity, and in its complementary relationship with the archetype puer and its expressions in the elderly. During the development of the study, it became necessary to describe the imagery, since it contains the reflection and the acceptance of the old who inhabits every individual. In this sense, it became evident that the opening to live the archetypes of puer and senex is fundamental, regardless of age, because it represents an opening to the existing psychological plurality in individuals, avoiding projections and hulking fears about the course of life in old age, situations that may be configured as prejudices and identified as ageism.
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