Terminal narrative

imagining the end of a world


  • Daniel Françoli Yago USCS - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul




time, imagination, Junguian psychology


The objective of this article was to reflect on critical elements of imagination in relation to the end of the world in the context of the pandemic. The point of departure was the idea that there is a quality of terminal inherent to our temporal narratives about the world, which determines both its obsolescence and our obsession for the end. The article was divided un four topics: in the first, we explore the end of the world through the lenses of catastrophe, relation almost mandatory these days, so as to understand our implication as products and producers of this  order of fantasy; the second and third topics we approached the symbolic and political construction of an order of terminal times, which we call Modernity, with particular focus on a decolonial point of view ; and in the last topic, we considered our responsibility, as psychologists, towards the crossing of ideas of the end of the world. This paper was based on bibliographic research of publication in the areas of analytic psychology, philosophy and decolonial theory, and, like an essay, it was more committed to the questions raised than to the eventual answers.


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How to Cite

Françoli Yago, D. (2022). Terminal narrative: imagining the end of a world. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 7(1), e08. https://doi.org/10.21901/2448-3060/self-2022.vol07.0008



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