Transition from girl to woman
fairy tales and mythology
Women, imagery, fairy tales, myths, Junguian psychologyAbstract
Myths and tales contain symbols that express archetypal images and by having this archetypal basis, they are considered eternal and timeless. This article aimed to explore the symbolic borders that permeate the transformation from girl to woman, that are expressed in the myth Kore/ Persephone, in the tales “Bluebeard” and “The Beauty and the Beast”. The studied contents were amplified and related to the process of female individuation. These stories demonstrate the archetypal pattern of the girl’s symbolic death and woman’s growth throw a dialogue with unconscious aspects, as the discovery of wild nature and how to relate to this dimension of life. Therefore, studies that contemplate these symbol’s apprehension are fundamental to clarify the dynamic that involves the referred transformation. Since this theme stands out in the clinic context, the interlocution between research and praxis contributes to the analysis process and individuation.
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