The symbolism of breast cancer
an analytic understanding
Breast neoplasms, symbols, Junguian psychologyAbstract
This article aimed to comprehend, throughout a symbolic reading, the mental processes of women with breast cancer, as well as to analyze the trends of behavior that become evident in the way they deal with the issue of the body in face of this type of cancer, which directly affects their self image. Nine semi-structured interviews were carried out with women who were undertaking treatment and others who had already finished the process. To enhance the data, after the interviews, a likert style questionnaire called "The Wheel of the Goddesses” was applied. By the light of analytic psychology, the results showed that many women connected their cancer with some emotional factor. Regarding symbolism, a reading of the analysis compared with the myth-analysis showed a higher score of the goddesses Artemisia and Demeter, both linked to characteristics of dedication to and protection of the other, leaving selfcare in the back burner. For future research in the area, it is important to highlight that the archetypal dimension used here was myth-analysis, but this does not exclude, for example, the understanding of psychodynamic or psychosocial issues. Since here the understanding of the feminine psyche was used this way, the professional that will deal with this public has a significant field of action, where this knowledge means a contribution to better understand the psychological dynamics that every woman presents.
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