The use of psychedelic drugs to access primary conscience and its relationship to the theory of archetypes


  • Guilherme Silva Gonçalves Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas



analytical psychotherapy, collective unconscious, neurosciences, neuropsychology, alchemy, psychopharmacology


The purpose of this article was to establish the relationship between Jung’s theory of archetypes and the findings of researches regarding the use of psychedelic drugs. This is one of the ways to return to the ancestral consciousness, also called primary consciousness. The article explored and compared the Junguian concept of archetype with the idea of a primary consciousness, based on the Entropic Brain Theory. In analytical psychology, one of the main archetypical themes deals with the hero’s death by dissolution and rebirth, interpreted as the symbolic representation of a psychological reorganization. At the same time, in a state of primary consciousness, the individual can experience archetypical themes which are historically associated to mystical experiences – as the dissolution of the ego and the feeling of union with the whole – and, in many cases, can also experience positive psychological changes.


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How to Cite

Silva Gonçalves, G. (2022). The use of psychedelic drugs to access primary conscience and its relationship to the theory of archetypes. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 7(1), e04.



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