The priest, and psychiatrist and the problem of the evil


  • Punita Miranda GAP Institute



Carl Jung, Victor White, “Book of Job”, “Answer to Job”, evil


This paper clusters around the problem of evil within the framework of depth psychology. The first part briefly introduces the narrative of the Book of Job as an example to contextualise how the ultimate question of God’s relation to evil remained unanswered and was left open-ended in Christian theology. The second part offers a historical reconstruction of the unresolved polemic over the nature of evil between Carl Jung and the English Dominican scholar and theologian Victor White (1902-1960). It explores their different speculations and formulations concerning evil and its psychological implications, until their final fall-out following White’s harshly critical review of Jung’s most controversial work on religion, Answer to Job. The final section of this paper introduces further reflections on a challenging theme that is no less resonant and relevant in today’s world of terrorism in the name of religion than it was in a post-war Europe struggling to recover from totalitarianism and genocide.


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Author Biography

Punita Miranda, GAP Institute

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from UniCeub (Brasília/DF); master's degree in research from the Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (Amsterdan/ Netherlands), with a master´s thesis entitled "O 'Livro Vermelho' de Jung e a história da psiquiatria no século XIX". Completed the Leadership Traing Program, conducted by the Jungian analist Marion Woodman in Canada and England. Candidate for the diploma of Jungian analist at the GAP Institute (London). London/ United Kingdom.


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How to Cite

Miranda, P. (2021). The priest, and psychiatrist and the problem of the evil. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 6(1), 1–32.



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